Important Forms
Absentee Notification
Marc: Link to a page that says. If your student is absent from school, please email our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Trebo Fiore at or call the office at (718) 329-2144 to inform us.
Report Positive COVID Test Marc: Link to a page that says. If your student has a positive COVID test, please email our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Trebo Fiore at or call the office at (718) 329-2144 to inform us.
Academic Honesty Policy (page 21)
HSAS Course Catalogue & Academic Policies
HSAS College Application Handbook
PTA Meetings [Marc: Hyperlink to Parent Engagement page]
Parental Consent Form for participation in PSAL sports
Opportunities Newsletter [Marc: Link to the Opportunities Newsletter in Guidance & College Office page]