School Leadership Team

The School Leadership Team (SLT) consists of school faculty and parent volunteers. Together, they develop our Comprehensive Educational Plan, identify and monitor progress toward meeting school goals, and ensure that our school’s budget supports the achievement of those goals. The team meets virtually every month at 5 pm on the dates below. At every meeting, a parent member of the SLT reports on its activities. For more information about the role of the SLT, consult the DOE’s website here. If you wish to attend an SLT meeting as an observer, please email our Parent Coordinator at

HSAS SLT Members:

Michael Holmes, Teacher and UFT Chapter ChairCharles Evans, Teacher
Arlette Crosland, Teacher
Sara Clough, Parent  
Michelle Montoya, Parent
Emanuelle Saada, Parent
Nicole Rothschild, Parent and PTA PresidentAlessandro Weiss, Principal


SLT Meeting Dates:


Tuesday, September 19Tuesday, October 17 Tuesday, November 14Tuesday, December 12


Tuesday, January 16
Tuesday, February 13Tuesday, March 12Tuesday, April 16Tuesday, May 21Tuesday, June 4